Here is a list of apps, sites, and reference material that you may find helpful when it comes to beer enjoyment.
- UNTAPPD – FREE for tracking what you drink and sharing it across multiple platforms.
- Ratebeer App – FREE just like their website, full of tons of resources, information, and goodies about beer
- BJCP Beer Style Reference – FREE official judging guidelines on styles of beer
- Beer Advocate – FREE just like their website. Find beer and brewery info, participate in forum discussions, learn all about beer.
- BrewR Beer Recipe Manager – FREE app that helps you track your recipes.
- PintleY Beer Recommendations – FREE app that helps you track and find local brews
- BeerCloud – FREE app for learning about local beers and breweries. Food and beer pairing recommendations as well as historic information.
- OR Beer Life – FREE app for local Oregon breweries, news, events, and local beer.
- Oregon Brew Crew – Oregon’s oldest brewing club.
- The American Homebrewers Association – Great website with tons of resources for home brewers.
- Rate Beer – FREE online resource of beers and locations from around the world.
- Beer Advocate – another FREE online resource of beers and locations from around the world.
- New School Beer – Beer Blog/News/Industry stuff specific to the Pacific Northwest.
- Oregon Brewers Guild – All things Oregon Beer. Brewery listings and reviews, events, information and various things you will find helpful to help you drink local in Oregon.
- Draft Magazine Online – Great national resource for beer drinkers and lovers.
- Craft Beer Critics – Great blog about beers, industry news, and gossip.
- The Weekly Pint – Industry news and events. Great weekly mailing list.
- – If you brew yourself, you should definitely check out this site.
- – Industry news and information.
- – American Craft Brewing news and information.
- Beer Judge Certification Program – Certify and rank beer judges through an examination and monitoring process, sanction competitions, and provide educational resources for current and future judges.
- Master Brewers Association of Americas – MBAA Beer Steward Certificate Program will provide you with the necessary beer service and beer server training information to ensure you are bringing the freshest product to your customers.
- Behind the scenes – Great American Beer Festival Judging (youtube video) – Video documentary on judging at the GABF by
- – Resource list for educational/schools related to beer and the brewing industry.
- Tasting Beer: An Insider’s Guide to the World’s Greatest Drink Paperback – February 11, 2009; by Randy Mosher
- The Complete Beer Course: Boot Camp for Beer Geeks: From Novice to Expert in Twelve Tasting Classes Hardcover – September 3, 2013; by Joshua M. Bernstein
- The Audacity of Hops: The History of America’s Craft Beer Revolution Paperback – May 1, 2013; by Tom Acitelli
- Michael Jackson’s Beer Companion: The World’s Great Beer Styles, Gastronomy, and Traditions Hardcover – September, 1993; by Michael Jackson
- The Dictionary of Beer and Brewing ©1998 Brewers Publications.
- The Brewers Association’s Guide to Starting Your Own Brewery ©2006 Brewers Publications.
- Designing Great Beers ©1996 Brewers Publications.