2015 BEER DISCOVERY TOUR: Prost Brewing Company, Denver Colorado (June 25, Brewery Stop #5)The fifth brewery along our cross country beer discovery tour (click here to read about the whole trip) was Prost Brewing Company in Denver CO on June 25th. After having a great dinner at a nearby restaurant on the west side of downtown with Gary’s cousin Sheila, we walked a few blocks over to Prost Brewing. The evening was a bit showery, and we were welcomed with a double rainbow as we were finishing dinner. I guess mother nature was giving us the thumbs up!
This brewery is on an industrial block, with a pretty large parking lot (gravel) out front. There is a patio (partially covered) and inside there’s a number of tables to sit at with a full length bar. They have a door you can peek through to see their production are (as showin the pictures to the right) next to the bar. The bar area has a cooler with bottles to go, and growler fills available. They have some interesting swag available as well, we ended up with some stickers, a masskrug, and a hat for Gary’s collection.
As this was a weekday evening, they were not super busy and we found a table to sit at to sip the samples at. The overall vibe of the brewery location is pretty local only, with events including live music and trivia. The servers behind the bar was super friendly, and talked to us a bit once we found out that we were on a beer discovery road trip. She recommended a few places as well as discussing their beers with us.
They unfortunately only offered seven beers the evening we visited, I wish they had more. The brewery focuses on producing German style beers following Reinheitsgebot, or the German Purity Law. The range of beers they do produce stick pretty closely to traditional styles found across Germany. The reviews go from back right, clockwise around to the middle. The best of them for us was the Keller Pils followed by the Altbier.
Prost Brewing Company
2540 19th St,
Denver, CO 80211
Phone:(303) 729-1175
E: info@prostbrewing.com
Web: http://www.prostbrewing.com/
Face: https://www.facebook.com/ProstBrewing
Prost Pils Prost Brewing Co. • Pilsner • IBU: 37 • ABV: 4.6% • 5 SRM Malts: Pilsen Hops: Hallertau Traditional Super clean, bright golden-yellow, solid white foamy head that lingered well past the first sip, leaving nice lacing on the rim. You can definitely find the noble hops on the nose with distinct herbal and grassy leading to a soft lemon zest / rind. The front and mid mouth of this mid-bodied beer are a bit spicy, sharp, and herbal within the hop profiles. The lemon/zest and yeast shine on the mid to back. There is a bit of cracker-y malts present with the subtle dry finish. |
Weißbier Prost Brewing Co. • Hefewezen • IBU: 12 • ABV: 4.5% • 8 SRM Malts: Pilsen, Wheat, Munich Hops: Hallertau Traditional Slight straw colored, pillowy bright white head that dropped to a sheen after a bit, left some minimal lacing on the rim. The nose has a bit of banana and clove present but not overpowering, balanced with the dry/malt grain build and yeasty esters. The front mouth is classically Weiss Bier in nature, strong yeast (chalky) notes with the clove and banana esters on the mid. The back is a little dry, leaves hints of lemon zest and spice. |
Altfränkisches Dunkel Bier Prost Brewing Co. • Dunkels • IBU: 25 • ABV: 5.9% • 30 SRM Malts: Munich, Pilsen, Carafa Hops: Hallertau Traditional This draft is dark brown/reddish hued, slightly cloudy and a small head that dropped. The nose is sweet bready malts with hints of yeast, banana, and dried fruit. The front mouth is sweet, malty, full bodied, and solid. The lower carbonation and sweet sugary/malt profiles mask any hint of bitters, and there are hints of molasses and toffee on the back. |
Keller Pils Prost Brewing Co. • Pilsner • IBU: ?? • ABV: 4.6% • 6 SRM Solid clear yellow color with a foamy bright white head that left a lot of sticky lacing on the rim. The nose is yeasty forward with lemongrass and some slight lemon zest. The front mouth is full of floral and earthy acidic hops, rounded out with a cracker-like malt profile. The medium bodied draft has a lot of carbonation and hints at a sweet/dry back end. |
Altbier Prost Brewing Co. • Altbier • IBU: 37 • ABV: 5% • 26 SRM Matls: Pilsen, Caramunich, Carafa, Munich 2 Hops: Hallertau Dark nutty brown and slight red hued draft with a smaller white head that dropped quickly. The nose is sweet cracker grains and caramel. The front and mid mouth are a little thin, low carbonation, low flavor profile of toasted malts and burned sugars. The back has a slight hint of dry hops that washes off quickly. |
Kölsch Prost Brewing Co. • Kölsch • IBU: 22 • ABV: 4.6% • 6 SRM Matls: Pilsen, German Wheat Hops: Hallertau Mid-yellow hued, soft white pillowy head that dropped to a sheen with slight retention on the rim. The nose is somewhat barnyard/hay like with a slight grain/barley grain hint. The front and mid mouth have slight floral hop presence, with really low yeast characters present. The malt body is on the mid and back somewhat with a shallow back end with a note of mineral-earthy like qualities. |
Maibock Prost Brewing Co. • Maibock • IBU: 20 • ABV: 6.8% • 10 SRM Matls: Pilsen Hops: Hallertau Traditional Slightly darker yellow/orange hue, solid white fluffy head that left a small amount of spidery lacing on the rim. The nose has a bit of toasted grains balanced well with the slight grassy hops. The front to mid mouth has some grassy and distinct Nobel hop flavors present. The fruit/yeast notes are expressed on the mid/back mouth and the balanced hop/malt profile leaves a nice mid-bodied solid feel. |