During our visit in Berlin during late December 2014, I was able to do some beer tasting at our friend Patrick’s place and a few restaurants/bars when we were out and about in Berlin. I want to thank Patrick for being so generous in providing a few different local/regional beers to share and sample, it made our visit even more special. Here’s the list of what I tried with my thoughts on each.
Berliner Pilsner
German Pilsner • ABV: 5% • IBUs: ?
This pilsner presents with a nice golden hue, 7 SRM. The head is full and there is somewhat typical lacing on the glass. The nose is somewhat lacking and non-present. Light hop aroma does exist, but no grains. The front mouth is full carbonation with a slight sharp hop and slight malt that comes through on the mid. Overall this is an average German pilsner, not too bad, not too good. |
Altenburger Brauerei
Altenburger Bock
Maibock / Helles Bock • ABV: 6.7% • IBUs: ?
This beer has a nice amber color (13) SRM. The nose has hints of toasted malt and lighter, sweet sugars. The front mouth is all herbal bitters, noticable alcohol presence, and the mid and back present with sharper hops and back. This beer does have a dry finish and lingering hoppy based bitter. |
Erdinger Weissbräu
Erdinger Kristall
Kristallweizen • ABV: 5.3% • IBUs: ?
This weizen when poured creates a large head of foam in the glass. It’s got a clean yellow hue, roughly 7 SRM. The head on the beer does slowly dissapate and leaves a minimal lattice in the glass. The nose presents yeast esters with slight hints of grain, fruits such as apple and banana, and a weird earthen/dirt type note. The front and mid mouth are dry yeast with notes of grain/wheat, yeast esters, and banana. There is a full carbonation in the mouthfeel followed by lingering yeastiness. Overall this beer is an average for weizen beers and drinks easy. |
Pivovar Breznák (Heineken), Czech Republic
Original Böhmisch Pils
Pilsner • ABV: 5.1% • IBUs: ?
Czech pils with standard yellow hue (6) SRM. Sharp grassy bitters on the nose and front/mid include a slight spice character. Dry finished with almost sour esters with a full, crips mouthfeel and medium carbonation. |
Flensburger Brauerei Emil Petersen
Flensburger Pilsener
Pilsner • ABV: 4.8% • IBUs: ?
This pilsner has a bright yellow hue, roughly 4 SRM. The draft has a bright white, thick head with clingy foam lattice in the glass. There is a grassy-yeasty nose, with sharp hop bitters on the mid and back mouth. There also is a lingering herb on the back. |
Brauhaus Georgbraeu
GeorgPils Dunkel
Munich Dunkel Lager • ABV: 5% • IBUs: ?
The nose on this dunkel is primarily sweet caramel and toasted malts. Slight off-white head with 20ish SRM, clear mid-brown color. The initial mouth is fully carbonated and has notes of caramel, malts, fruit sour, and slight hop bitterness. The back has more sweet and burnt sugars than anything else, and has a slight linger of toasted bread. |