2015 BEER DISCOVERY TOUR: Draught Works Brewery, Missoula, MT (July 9th, Brewery Stop #36)

2015 BEER DISCOVERY TOUR: Draught Works Brewery, Missoula, MT (July 9th, Brewery Stop #36) (recovered post) The 36th brewery visited during our cross-country beer discovery tour (click to read about the whole trip) was the Draught Works Brewery in Missoula Montana. The third stop in Missoula brought us to a larger and popular brewery just down the street from Imagine Nation. This brewery used to be a recycling center, and it’s got a really local vibe going on. When we pulled up, we were super lucky and got a parking spot, we didn’t know that there was live music going on, but alas there was a band playing and their patio and inside were really packed with people. As summer hangouts go, you couldn’t do much better than this for a wide range of beers, comfortable setting, and great music. The patio is quite large, and the production tanks are just inside the door. The main room is huge with tons of tables and a long bar to sit or order at. We found ourselves a couple of spots at the bar, taking turns standing. The bartenders were really busy, but willing to pour us a full lineup of samples …

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2015 BEER DISCOVERY TOUR, Portland OR to Portland ME and back… 24 June-9 July, 2015

2015 BEER DISCOVERY TOUR, Portland OR to Portland ME and back…7800 miles later… From late June to early July 2015 I was lucky enough to go on a cross country road trip with Gary and our nephew Devin. We drove my car from Portland Oregon to Portland Maine in just about three weeks. We took a ‘central US’ path East and came back taking a more northern passage. Regarding where we went each day, we made it to about 40 breweries and a handful of tap-houses, bars, and brewpubs to find local beers and food along the way. While the long distance driving was challenging some days (10+ hrs at a time), we really enjoyed the trip with it’s the ever-changing scenery and wonderful cities, towns, and people we met. Before leaving on the trip, we gathered and then took a couple of cases of local specialty beers for our friend Rusty in Pittsburgh. The sucky part was that while we wanted the beers to not get ruined by the heat, we ended up unloading and reloading it a LOT as we stopped each night. This is a valuable learning experience, to stick to mailing stuff like beer and wine, …

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